
Thursday, September 17, 2009


I can't say enough about how much I appreciate naps. Mostly Samantha's. I'm especially reminded of this when she doesn't take them. I'm used to having a well-rested little girl whose happy energy carries her through the day, and 2-3 hours of time each afternoon to actually accomplish something -- work, chores, blogging, or even *gasp* a nap for myself!

For the past month, my little 19-month old hasn't fallen asleep for her naptime 2 days each week, which has made her overtired and me falling behind on a lot that needs to get done around the house. (mountain of clean laundry, anyone?) Thankfully, I've felt confident that putting Samantha to bed early on the no-nap days will help her make up at least a little bit of the lost sleep without making her wake up super early.

My trusty Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book has been a lifesaver in getting through this and so many other sleep challenges in my toddler's life so far and helping her develop better sleep habits. She's in for a lot more running around, active playtime and a slightly earlier bedtime for the next few mornings to hopefully get her nap fully back on track and both of us better re-energized during the day.

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