We know of several families who've lost children in drowning accidents and another family whose son is still alive and well only by the grace of God including his quick-acting mom and the help of an EMT. Drowning is a leading cause of infant/young childrens' death in Florida, so we're so glad that something like Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) is out there to teach young children skills they need to survive in the water. For toddlers, ISR teaches a swim-float-swim sequence to help a child get to the edge of a pool or shore of a pond/lake. Lessons are 10 minutes each, 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks, and parents learn a lot about swimming safety as well through interacting with the instructor and the parents' resource handbook.
While it can be tough watching your child through the first several lessons especially -- many kids cry or fuss due to the completely new situation they're put in, seeing your child learning life-saving skills is really rewarding. The instructors take great care to insure the childrens' safety and personalize the intensity and duration of the lesson (up to 10 min.) depending on how the child is doing that day. I also love that the lessons are one-on-one; my child has her instructor's full attention, and in the case of our instructor training a new instructor, 2 on one.
Yes, it's a bit pricey. Yes, you keep a log of your child's eating, sleeping, pooping, etc. each day to help the instructor determine what is the safest and best way to handle your child's lesson each day. But knowing what she's learning could one day save her life in a situation as common as falling into a pool is priceless.
Here's a short clip of Li'l Girlie's 6th lesson. You can tell she's already digging it. :)
We ended up doing our ISR lessons through Safe Start, a unique drowning prevention effort in central and south Florida that partners with community centers like YMCAs and JCCs. We have a YMCA 10 minutes from our house with an indoor pool, so it's a sweet situation. For those of you who wonder why an indoor pool is important to me...Central FL late spring/early summer afternoons = thunderstorms. Not so swim-friendly.
I've had some great conversations with Li'l Girlie over the last week since she talks about swimming lessons a ton during the day. My favorite: 'swim underwawa touch fish, pop up see mama' (swimming to the wall where there's a fish decal, then pulling up on the wall to see me sitting there cheering her on). That, and 'more swim underwawa please.'

Wow Erin! She is doing amazing! I am SUPER impressed!! Way to go S! I'm hoping I can talk my husband into letting Isaac continue lessons this summer. ;)