I want to invite you to join me! I'm going to write a short post each Thursday about something/someone I'm thankful for, and I'd love for you to comment on this post with what YOU are thankful for. C'mon! It'll be fun!
I'll go first:
I'm thankful for these flowers. Happy little zinnias and marigolds in a ball jar given to Li'l Girlie by my good friend B. They're so much more than a couple little blooms to Li'l Girlie, though. We were at B's house today to swim, and she said that Li'l Girlie could choose a flower to take home. Li'l Girlie LOVES flowers, so she was thrilled. But instead of just one bloom, B clipped a whole bunch of Li'l Girlie's favorites.
Every time Li'l Girlie looks at the flowers, she says "B said I could have one flower, but she gave me a whole BUNCH of flowers! That was kind of her."
The zinnias and marigolds themselves are pretty, but what is much more lovely is my friend's heart to bless my daughter. I'm so thankful for B's friendship and how she's showing Li'l Girlie the abundance of Jesus' love for us.
Ok, so you don't have to write this much. Even just a word or two is great, but do feel free to tell us more if you like. The point isn't how much you write or how good it sounds, the point is to practice thankfulness.

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