
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween to those who are celebrating. 

We're not big Halloween celebrators, at least at this point, due mostly to two factors:
  1. My husband never really liked dressing up and celebrating Halloween.  
  2. Li'l girlie's not that into dress-up either.  
She was hesitant to wear this cute shirt that a friend gave to us, but once she put it on, she was fine.  I personally come from the other end of the Halloween spectrum.  My mom made us costumes each year that went straight into our costume play box afterwards.  The costumes Mom made us ROCKED, so we often had our friends over to dress up like mice, Peter Pan, cats, clowns, donkeys, reindeer, hula girls, elephants and even a watermelon.  (That was one my grandma made.  Long story.)  We all had hours of fun making up all sorts of stories to go along with our costumes.

While I'm not into the dark, spookier parts of Halloween, I enjoy a good dress-up and go-get-candy outing.  Maybe next year.

Are you celebrating Halloween this year?  If so, what are you doing for it?  If not, what are you doing instead, if anything?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Top Toys for Babies 3 to 6 Months Old

I know I've mentioned before about some of my top toys lists.  I really like reviewing toys, so it's quite fun to me to make these to hopefully help those of you who just want to know what to get.  The latest installation is for the youngest set of kids....small babies who are just starting out with toys.  Top Toys for 3-6 Month Old Babies will help you shop for your own baby, figure out Christmas gifts for a niece or nephew, or help you find that perfect baby shower gift. 

What do you think?  Are there any toys you think I missed?  Do you think I should be hired as a toy tester like Tom Hanks' character in the movie 'Big'?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

It's Thursday.  Here's your reminder to sit down and take a moment to practice being thankful.  A dear friend of mine whom I really admire would tell her kids to have 'an attitude of gratitude rather than an attitude of rat-itude.'  I like that saying a lot.  I can have an attitude of rat-itude when little things derail my plans, and there are times I definitely need help to even ask myself what I can be thankful for about certain situations.

So, please join me in this weekly expression of thankfulness.  I'd love to hear what you're thankful for.

Here's mine for this week:  I'm thankful for parks with tons of sidewalks for small kids to ride their bikes around in.  Our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks to speak of.

photo credit:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Today's thankful for me is a big one:

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage! We've been through a lot, and through the joy, sorrow, tough times, smooth sailing, challenges and all the fun, being married to my sweet hubby has been an amazing testament to God's goodness to us and His grace to two very imperfect people.

What are YOU thankful for today?  You can share something big and/or deep, or one of the little things that makes your day.  I shared about coffee last week, if that says anything.  

We're in this to practice the attitude of thankfulness. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Grand Openings and Free Festivals

Lots of great stuff to do at this free grand opening event
I love fun. Free fun, especially. That's why I like to keep my ear to the ground about what's going on around town. Grand openings that promise entertainment for the kids = score!

Case in point: our town's brand new community center had its grand opening, which, in my daughter's eyes, was really quite grand. Li'l Girlie ADORES bounce houses. It's not cheap to rent one on a regular basis, or to head out to Monkey Joe's every time the mood hits her to bounce (which is often).

We got there right when they started and she got to bounce for half an hour to the excellent music of a youth steel drum band. Then we got sno-cones, samples of Honest Tea and a little bit of coaching from the gymnastics and cheerleading coaches promoting their classes inside the building. All to Li'l Girlie's delight. All F.R.E.E.

Tell me about your finds of free fun stuff to do!